Monday, April 29, 2013

Virginia Museum of Art

These from Sydney Lewis, of Best and Company. He traded paintings for Appliances and Electronics back in the 70's. He ended up with a great 80's collection.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Museo Nacional de Antropología, Codex

Some of the most compelling images in relation to contemporary art. There were a lot of great examples but hard to photograph as they are under glass. I have included a site which has the best Codexes.

I have been trying to figure out their relation to Medieval manuscripts, as in Spain that Picasso knew of before making Demoiselles de Avignon.

A great site for other Codex:

Quetzalcoatl from Telleriano-Remensis Codex

Museo Nacional de Antropología, Glyphs and Seals

Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mayan

Museo Nacional de Antropología, Fresco

Museo Nacional de Antropología, Sculpture

Displaying a complex double aspect.